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포장단위별 용량(중량),수량,크기 | 4kg |
생산자,수입품의 경우 수입자를 함께 표기 | ㈜토우담 |
농수산물의 원산지 표시에 관한 법률에 따른 원산지 | 상품상세설명 참조 |
제조연월일(조장일 또는 생산연도),유통기한 또는 품질유지기한 | 제조일로부터 24개월 |
농산물-농산물품질관리법상 유전자변형농산물 표시, 지리적표시 | N |
축산물-축산법에 따른 등급표시, 쇠고기의 경우 이력관리에 따른 표시 유무 | 상품라벨에 표기 |
수산물-수산물품질관리법상 유전자변형수산물 표시, 지리적표시 | N |
상품구성 | 토우담 한우 사골,우족,잡뼈 |
보관방법 또는 취급방법 | 냉동보관 |
소비자상담관련 전화번호 | 0507-1363-4986 |
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Delivery/Cancellation/Return Notice
If a shipping/exchange/return guide is included in the product details, it will take precedence over the following guidelines.
The delivery type and required time vary depending on the product characteristics and delivery address.
Some ordered or pre-ordered products may require additional delivery days in addition to the basic delivery date.
Even products of the same brand may be delivered respectively because the shipping date and time for each product are different.
Additional shipping charges (air, wire charges) may be charged for shipment, return, or exchange in Jeju and mountainous areas.
Delivery charges for goods vary depending on the supplier's policy and cannot be delivered on holidays and holidays.
The delivery type and required time vary depending on the product characteristics and delivery address.
Some ordered or pre-ordered products may require additional delivery days in addition to the basic delivery date.
Additional shipping charges (air, wire charges) may be charged for shipment, return, or exchange in Jeju and mountainous areas.
If you use or damage a product, miss free gifts, TAG, warranty, or subsidiary materials of the product are removed or lost
If the sealed packaging is opened or the internal packaging material is damaged or lost (except for opening for product verification),
If the value of the product is lost enough to make it difficult to resell it over time
If it is custom-made at your request and is difficult to use other than youIf the delivered product is installed (home appliances, furniture, etc.)
If it falls under the grounds for restriction on withdrawal of subscription prescribed by the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.,
A/S criteria or availability vary depending on the brand and product, so please contact the Double UConcept Customer Center for more information.
You can receive in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Standard (notified by the Fair Trade Commission) for matters concerning return, exchange, warranty, refund, damage compensation, etc. due to defective products.
Seller information
Product viewed together with other customers
1+등급이상 한우 보신 사골 우족 꼬리 알꼬리 4kg
We will notify you of the report processing by email.
1+등급이상 한우 보신 사골 우족 꼬리 알꼬리 4kg
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2 |
150 ACORN |
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Fraction | Owner | Price |
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150 ACORN |
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